Located in Vernon, B.C., Serving all of British Columbia
Phone: 778-212-9928

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Phone: 778-212-9928 | Email: [email protected]

About Us

It all started with a little girl’s dream of her “one day.”  When her prince charming finally found her, the search for the grandest celebration with exquisite details came into motion.  We were full of excitement meeting with neighbouring noble decorators and royal event planners from near and far.  They were all so kind and helpful but were missing pieces of the finest details being fit for a new Queen.

So, we took matters into our own hands, searching far and wide for the best craftsman in all the land who had created exactly what she was looking for.  During the grand celebration, other princes and princesses were in such awe of the splendour that we began getting requests to share how we spun straw into gold.  We, of course, felt a calling to share the magic of these extra details to make other royal events more luxurious and grander!  We hope to inspire you and help you to make your “one day” just as special.

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